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The NALC embraces four core values which shape common life: Christ Centered, Mission Driven, Traditionally Grounded, and Congregationally Focused. NALC is centered on the unique Gospel of Jesus Christ, animated by missions and evangelism, grounded in the 2,000-year tradition of Christian faith, and organized chiefly to serve congregations. A renewed Lutheran community moving forward in faith, the NALC is focused on living out Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples in North America and around the globe.


Women of the North American Lutheran Church (WNALC)

The WNALC exists to link NALC women together as a community of faith, hope, and love, to enhance and facilitate the work within our local churches. The Women’s Council and other volunteers are called to assist members in God’s mission, study of His Word, service to others in Christ’s name, and fellowship among Christian women.


Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

The LCMC is an association of congregations who are free in Christ, accountable to one another and rooted in the scriptures and the lutheran confessions. LCMC all work together to fulfill Christ's great commission to go and make disciples of all nations. The LCMC is a movement that views local churches as the place where people in the community come to get connected with God and one another. 


SOLA Publishing -

Teaching Ideas, Devotions, & Bible Studies

Sola Publishing is an educational ministry that provides trustworthy and useful teaching resources, at a reasonable price. Their materials are grounded in the authority of Scripture, with a distinctively confessional Lutheran focus, centering in the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Living out a down-to-earth understanding of discipleship, Sola strives to be practical and functional, with curricula written by people serving in Lutheran congregations and partners of the NALC, LCMC, CALC, and Lutheran CORE. 

North American Lutheran Church

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